Jamaican Herbs

The Duck Flower Detox - Does it really work

by Yaga Lifestyle on Aug 11, 2022

Duck Flower Detox

The Duck Flower Detox - Does It Really Work?


The Duck Flower Detox is one of the most potent ways to cleanse the body of toxins, improve digestion and aid in weight loss.

It works by targeting areas of the digestive and reproductive systems for up to 8 hours. This leads to some adverse side effects like nausea and increased bowel movements.

Once through with the cleanse, users have reportedly felt more renewed and energetic. This is brought on by the removal of excess mucus from the body, as well as the elimination of impurities from within.

Most detoxes only offer digestive and weight loss support. However, the Duck Flower Detox provides a deep and thorough cleansing process – From the user’s mind straight to their intestinal tract.


What is the Duck Flower Detox

Found mainly in The Caribbean, Latin and Central America, the Duck Flower is known widely for its strong purging potential.

In this post, we’ll highlight all the things you need to know about the Duck Flower prior to your first use, namely:

  • What the duck flower does to the body;

  • Benefits of the duck flower detox;

  • How to use the duck flower effectively;

  • The side effects of the duck flower detox; and

  • Where to buy duck flower.


What Are The Benefits Of Duck Flower Cleanse

The duck flower targets various parts of the body. In order to get the most out of your detox, it is best to learn as much as possible about it. 

Digestive system

It offers significant improvements to the body’s digestive system. One of its main targets is the intestines – It removes both parasites and impacted waste that may inhabit the intestinal tract. 

Mucus build-up

One of the main benefits of using the duck flower is its cleansing properties. The cleanse removes excess mucus where it should not be. This process affects the entire body.

Mental health

Reports have shown that increased mental clarity is a benefit of the detox. It is also known to increase energy and vitality. One review of Yaga Lifestyle's Duck Flower Detox reads:
 Review of Yaga Lifestyle's Duck Flower Detox
5 Star Review of Yaga Lifestyle's Duck Flower Detox


Improves sleep  

After taking the duck flower cleanse, users have reportedly experienced more restful nights and better sleep patterns. 

Weight loss 

Because of its focus on the digestive system, users can expect to see more results in their weight loss journey. One side effect of the duck flower cleanse is increased bowel movements -- In turn, this would lead to less cravings. It also reduces bloating.


Women can expect to see improvements in their reproductive system. Notably, the duck flower detox lessens the chance of irregular periods and reduces menstrual cramps.

Whether you choose to eat the flower whole or blend it into a drink, the form doesn’t affect how your body absorbs the nutrients: The benefits are the same. 

Image of side view of Duck Flower

Image of side view of Duck Flower


How Do You Use Duck Flower To Detox

Before The Detox

Our first tip is to stay home on whatever day you choose to detox.

The symptoms can range from moderate to severe in a matter of hours, so you are better off being close to a bathroom when that time does come. 

Remember: one duck flower equals one adult dose! 

As the purge will affect your entire body, you won't be able to hold in much food.

You'll need to have a light breakfast: Our go-to includes fruit and water or tea.

Next, remove your duck flower from its packaging. We ensure that each duck flower’s nutrients are preserved and fresh, so you will need to rehydrate the plant:

  1. Soak the flower for an hour in freshwater.
  2. Either chew the entire thing; OR
  3. Blend with 2 tbsp of water or natural juice, then drink.
Finally, your detox has started!


During The Detox

The side effects start to kick in roughly 3 hours after it is ingested. 

For the next 4 to 8 hours, you must drink adequate amounts of liquid with electrolytes.

Given the strong effects of this detox, you will most likely vomit or defecate. This means that the detox is purging your body of its impurities and toxins!

Afterwards, rehydrate with either coconut water or clean water. 

After about 8 hours, the detox will be complete.


Ending The Detox

While some symptoms may linger beyond those 8 hours, the majority have now subsided.

Here are some tips for ending your duck flower cleanse:

  • Drink coconut water - Your body loses a lot of electrolytes when vomiting. Stay rehydrated!
  • Eat raw fruits / veggies - A plant-based meal is vital once your detox is completed.
  • Get some rest - The detox will consume a lot of your energy. Results have shown that sleep is greatly improved after the detox.

Consuming the flower is an easy-enough part of the process, but the aftermath and side effects have turned people away and excluded many.

But, why is that? 

Image of bottom view of Duck Flower

Image of bottom view of Duck Flower


Side Effects of The Duck Flower Detox

It is important to note that the Duck Flower Detox is not for the faint at heart - It remains one of the most aggressive forms of herbal detoxification on the market today.

The most common side effects of the duck flower detox are bowel movements and nausea, in which users can vomit on as much as 5 separate occasions. 

The flower aims to remove as many impurities as humanly possible.

With that, potential users should watch out for other common side effects:

  • Profuse sweating,
  • Diarrhea (when effects are extreme) and
  • General stomach discomfort.
Potential users should also be mindful of the more rare symptoms:
  • Hot flashes,
  • Hives,
  • Mood swings,
  • Strong body odour.


Who Should Not Take The Duck Flower Detox

Under no circumstances should pregnant women take the duck flower detox.
Reportedly, its abortifacient properties increase the likelihood of miscarriages and spontaneous abortions.

Nursing mothers and children should also avoid taking the duck flower detox due to its powerful nature.

Given these strong side effects, all potential users should exercise caution and consult their health professional beforehand.

It is heavily recommended that users undergo the duck flower detox no more than twice a year - Once a year is enough time to cleanse the body of excess mucus, impurities and toxins.


Image of Yaga Lifestyle’s Duck Flower Detox

Where To Buy Duck Flower

As mentioned before, the Duck Flower is known to grow in parts of The Caribbean, Central America and North America. However, it may be difficult to source if you are not from those areas.
Not to worry – Our exclusive Duck Flower Detox is sourced and harvested locally in Jamaica, a country known for its rich soil.
In order to keep your duck flower well preserved, we also dehydrate it before packaging and shipping it your way.

There are no additives or fillers used in our Duck Flower Detox — Which means it’s safe for us to brag that each package is done with 100% Duck Flower!

Detoxing is only one way to cleanse your mind, stomach and body, but it’s one of the most effective.

Purchase can be made for worldwide shipping via this link!

Does It Really Work?  

Yes! Detoxing is one of the ways in which alternative medicine can be added to your lifestyle. Specifically, the Duck Flower Detox.

If you are able to go through with the detox, the process itself is safe and beginner-friendly! You can order your own flower directly from Yaga Lifestyle – Afterwhich, you would soak your duck flower and consume in the comfort of your own home. 

The nutrients found in this orchid are prone to remove waste and parasites, cleanse excess mucus, increase energy and improve the overall functioning of the digestive and reproductive systems! 

Of course, the positives far outweigh the negatives when detoxing. However, that does not imply the negatives are anything mild. Given its very potent side effects, all potential users should consider the risks that will arise when undergoing the Duck Flower Detox. 

When in doubt, always consult your trusted health professional before trying alternative medicine – That includes taking the world renowned Duck Flower Detox!

If that did not deter you from undergoing this cleanse, you can order your own duck flower today.

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